I was introduced to this game by my boyfriend about 5-6 years ago. And yes, I'm still playing--at a snail's pace at that. Being a shy person, teaming up was out of the question, so I basically enjoyed leveling jobs to level 10 in Ronfaure, then abandoning the job to go fishing or cook instead. I finally leveled my Paladin (PLD) to level 75, thanks to my boyfriend (let's call him "M") and his brother ("B") making a semi-static party consiting of my PLD, my boyfriend's BLM and his brother's WHM. It was easy to pick up damage dealers after that. We later leveled another static with my DNC, M's NIN, and B's WAR.
My boyfriend had lost interest in the game, but came back due to B's endgame linkshell disbanding. We wanted to keep him company. During this time, the level cap increased, and Abyssea came out, which we never bought until all three came out in a package. So during all that time when people were passing us by with cap increase after cap increase, and obtaining awesome gear, we were wearing auction house purchasable gear (i.e. Perle, Teal, Aurore). We all hated it, but we had no other options, since all the gear came from Abyssea, to which we had no access. So we finished all nation missions, finished Promathia, Zilart, Wings of the Goddess (in my opinion the best story!), and Aht Urghan. We also finished the mini expansions--A Shantotto Ascension, A Moogle Kupo d'Etat, and A Crystalline Prophesy. I don't remember in what order we did it, but we finished them all.
So, my character is completely finished with "old" content missions, except for the Assault Missions, which we are uncertain if we can finish.
I have never done Dynamis, even though I have access. As far as Sky goes, I have only killed one God, which according to B was a joke back in the day as well (Genbu). My friends and I have killed only one Jailer, which was Jailer of Faith. That's as far as we've gotten in Sea.
New old content, such as Abyssea has been a pain. It is not fun, but we just gotta go through the motions to get what we need, which is a chore in itself. Because we get no enjoyment out of it, we don't do it often. My gear is horrible because of this.
My current priority is my WHM, which I leveled out of necessity for Abyssea, but learned to um, like the job (I think love is too strong a word). It gives me ulcers being responsible to keep everyone alive. My second priority is THF. My Assassin's Armlets-less THF. My DNC is embarrassing. I have no decent body for my DNC. I wore a Raparree Harness to 99 and after that I was too embarrassed to wear it so I wear my ACP body (pretty embarrassing as well). I am 8/10 Charis Seal: Body and I don't even like the stats on it. I'll never get the +2 so I am looking to buy a Musetla Harness, when the price drops a little. I hope that's a decent piece.
By the way, you can call me "R."